
Monday, 31 January 2011

bye bye Paris

Andreas and I had planned to go to Paris in the spring, but we will have to putt hat off until next year probably with all these porblems with his knee. It's so sad! I was looking forward to it a bit too much almost. But my poor husband can'te ven walk without crutches at the moment and we are not even going to know what is wrong with him until 6 weeks (when they will finally do an MRI scan on his knee).

I am so sorry for him. He is always so active and now he can't even drive our car because he can hardly bend his knee... Can't believe he won't be able to go skiing with us next week. He will be in the cabin heating the sauna and preparing dinner for us... :(

1 comment:

charlotta said...

det låter inte alls kul :=(

har själv knäproblem och ska åter igen till ortopeden om någon månad för utvärdering.

hoppas hans knä blir bättre snart!